REBOOT - REviving BOosting Optimising Transforming European Film Competitiveness
(FR) Etudier les relations / aides publiques / hybridations entre le cinéma "classique" et l'utilisation des technologies XR en Europe, en comparaison avec les cinématographies extra-européennes.
(EN) To explore the long-standing strengths and pervasive gaps in European competitiveness and policies for competitiveness. To place attention to the active preparation for the future in the area of audiences by exploring audience preferences and their generation, as well as modes of film content production.
Porteurs de projet
- Marcin Sobieszczanski (SIC.Lab Méditerranée / Université Côte d'Azur)
- Matteo Treleani (Sic.lab Méditerranée / Université Côte d'Azur)
- Jean-François Trubert (CTELA / Université Côte d'Azur)
- 9 partenaires européens et 1 partenaire non-européen, soient 12 universités européennes impliquées dans le projet REBOOT
Sources de financement
- 9ème Programme-cadre de l'UE "HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE" (Cluster 2 - Culture - Creativity - Inclusive Society "Increase the potential of the international competitiveness of the European filmmaking industry”)
- MSHS Sud-Est
L'Université de Vienne (Autriche) est à l'origine de ce projet de recherche européen dont l'objectif principal est de préparer le futur du secteur cinématographique, son évolution en termes d'audiences, de modes de production et de contenus.
Il s'agit notamment d'explorer les différentes lois et politiques qui dominent l'industrie du Film Européen et sa présence sur la scène internationale, sa contribution en matière de compétitivité dans ce secteur, ainsi que les pratiques et les institutions qui régulent l'environnement filmique.
Project summary :
This project aims to connect the existing strengths, identify and overcome weaknesses and plan for future competitiveness in the fields of policy, practice and experience. More concretely, the project’s objectives are, on the one hand, to explore the long-standing strengths and pervasive gaps in European competitiveness and policies for competitiveness This includes ways of ‘measuring’ ‘analysing’ and ‘evaluating’ the impact of policies and strategic pathways. On the other hand, the project aspires to place attention to the active preparation for the future in the area of audiences by exploring audience preferences and their generation, as well as modes of film content production. The latter are elements which today’s youth will carry and engage with in the coming decades as makers and consumers, as well as industry and policy leaders. Therefore, the consortium interrogates not only the ‘what is’ but also the ‘what has been’ and ‘what will be’ with fresh lenses. REBOOT’s ambition is to provide a full set of knowledge of the European film industry, which maximises its existing strengths, combined with strategic and tactical dimensions of action for the optimisation of the potential held in European youth publics, understood both as emerging audiences and as citizens. Specifically, the ambition of the project combines several dimensions, which reinforce each other but are listed separately for analytical purposes (and in no particular order): a) increasing support for young people’s engagement with European film; b) strengthening the place of the EU in the global audiovisual economy, particularly in light of the rise of video on demand (VOD); c) supporting cultural diversity in the EU film industry; d) addressing the need for a different understanding of competitiveness and relevant indicators in this context; and e) recognising and supporting the importance for the EU of film and, more broadly, of the cultural and creative sector as a geopolitical asset.
Méthodologie :
- Dans un premier temps, des expériences cognitives seront menées sur le site patrimonial de La Napoule Art Fondation ;
- Dans un deuxième temps, les résultats seront étudiés par l'équipe du laboratoire Sic.Lab Méditerranée ;
- Enfin, un rapport sera transmis au programme REBOOT.
Actualités / News Blog REBOOT
Since November 2024, the Reboot project is entering advanced shifts in Nice and Cannes, such as :
- research on the current state of the hybridization “Classical Cinema / XR Technologies” in different European countries, in comparison with the policies in this field practiced by the USA, China and South Korea ;
- methodological reinforcement of research on social cognition induced by viewing classic cinema content and content created by creative XR technologies (VR, AR, MR).
The new stage of research is possible by the employment of a doctoral student specialized in the system of the media, of an intern in computer science and of an operator in eye-tracking, and by the consolidation and enlargement of the technological equipment in eye-tracking.
In this collaboration we have two eye tracking systems in Virtual Reality headsets, the HTC Focus 3 system and the Varjo | Mixed Reality Headsets system as well as a natural environment eye tracking system Tobii Pro Glasses 3. We are also working with a new DELL PC station dedicated to XR.
These devices are now among the most efficient research tools in Europe.
Access to the video "Castle of Napoule"